Monday, April 14, 2008

The One Where I Am Indesicive

A group of friends of mine is organizing a party on the 24th May. It is some sort like (by using the phrase “some sort like”, I make the statement seems less significant. This is an example of me using “prejudicial-language” - down-player, to attempt to persuade others) a farewell party since this is the final semester for the most of us. However, I can’t seem to decide of going or not because I am short on cash and I have other plans. So I made a pact with a friend, named Lola saying that “I’ll go if you go” (Here, I can apply the deductive reasoning of hypothetical syllogism).

1) Modus ponens (Affirming the antecedent) - Valid
If Lola’s going, then I’ll go
Lola’s going, so I’ll go.
2) Modus tollens (Denying the consequent) - Valid
If Lola’s going, then I’ll go
Lola’s not going, so I will not go.
3) Affirming the consequent - Invalid
If Lola’s going, then I’ll go
I’ll go, therefore Lola’s going.
4) Denying the antecedent - Invalid
If Lola’s going, then I’ll go
I will not go, therefore Lola’s not going.

To go or not to go. That is the question now.

Nahh. I don't want to burden my brain thinking about partying when i have loads of other stuffs to be worried about like assignments, reports, presentations and final exam.Wish me luck people! ;)

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